So the answers of our citizens are also significant, they will be upda... WAIT!!
There is a new letter in our mailbox! (Our chief editor will fire me for overusing of exclamation mark!!)
Here it is:
Message subject: Inquiring Minds...Are we also supposed to play? And... what about our Minister of Arts, kosmopol, who hasn't appeared till now on the cards... Is he... perhaps... the kille...
From: MrKrop
Sent: Sun Mar 15, 2009 7:31 pm
To: WUF Reporter
It's time.
Chef Editor note:
I'm very sorry for dismissing our stuff. But he overused the exclamation marks too much.
I hope, he will find new job with his skills. Like carnival barker or so.
chef editor and Minister of Arts Kosmopol.